Privacy Policy & Data protection

Privacy Policy & Data protection

BLSS follows strict privacy and data protection policy in relation to information shared by its valued clients. Clients’ information and data are not shared with any third party unless so authorized by the clients and shall only share the same with any law enforcing agency or authority if so required under law or an positive government or court order. Client file are destroyed after completion of the project and client can request delivery of the file to its nominated person if it/he so wishes.BLSS follows strict privacy and data protection policy in relation to information shared by its valued clients. Clients’ information and data are not shared with any third party unless so authorized by the clients and shall only share the same with any law enforcing agency or authority if so required under law or an positive government or court order. Client file are destroyed after completion of the project and client can request delivery of the file to its nominated person if it/he so wishes.